Thursday, October 17, 2024

Feeding Galileo!


Ms. Pavlicek back to check on our creepy critters and make sure that we are taking good care of her animals. She then spoke to us about the food chain and how animals eat other animals to survive. She told us that food gives us energy. She then asked the students if they knew what snakes eat. Students were amazing with the information they knew about snakes. Ms. P. then showed the students the frozen mouse that had been thawed for Galileo to eat. She gave students the option to not watch the snake eat. Galileo is getting ready to shed his skin so he is very pale in color from last weeks photos. Ms. P. said a lot of times when a snake is close to shedding their skin they do not eat, but Galileo did eat his mouse today. The students were engaged and attentive while Galileo ate. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Creepy Critters Have Arrived!


Ms. P. from the Burlington Science Center visited our classroom on Wednesday. She shared the Creepy Critters with us. She introduced us to the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches from the insect family, Galileo the corn snake from the reptile family and  tarantula named Curly Sue, from the arachnid family. 

We talked about these animals being living things and what they needed to live. Ms. P. told us that living things need to be able to move, they need water, food and that all living things have a lifecycle, they are born, grow, reproduce and die. We also talked about some things that are not living, rocks, paper, crayons, etc. Living vs. nonliving is a bit challenging for kindergartners. We will be working on this theme throughout the school year. 
We all held, touched or sat near Galileo and most students touched a cockroach!  The animals will stay in our classroom for a few weeks so we can observe them and take care of them. Next week we will sketch and label the creepy animals.


 This week we continue to have students thriving with their learning. Many students were able to read all 10 set 1 sight words and earned a prize. (Please continue to work on these words. Set 2 words will be coming home soon). We also had many Lexia Superstars and students who attained 10, 20 or 30% completion of the ST Math program and earned certificates and added the next dots to JiJi in the hallway.

We also had our first Kindergarten Hoot of the Week! Congratulations to Mason!