Friday, January 28, 2022

Highlights for the Week of January 24th

 This week was another short busy week. On. Monday, we started our next book on Greeting Cards, we worked on decomposing numbers in math and we started getting our post office ready by making our mailboxes. We also completed our second class quilt and continued with our January Reading Challenge. 

Tuesday was Job Shadow Day for seniors at Burlington High School and Mrs. Parnell's daughter, Ashley joined us for the day.  Our highlight of the day was using Mrs. Hoy's Math Stackers. Mrs. Hoyt wrote a grant and the Burlington Education Foundation funded the grant. Room 101 students worked hard and had fun using the Math Stackers. These stackers develop mathematical thinkers. Students discover the relationships between the properties of math through stacking and comparing these mathemagical blocks.

Wednesday was a PD day. Mrs. Parnell and Mrs. Kearney attended curricula sessions, worked on planning and preparing materials for Room 101 students.

On Thursday we were finally able to meet with our 4th grade partners again! The fourth graders helped the kindergartners start to prepare for Groundhog Day and our upcoming 100th day. The kindergartners we SO HAPPY to see their 4th grade partners. It had been over a month since we had seen them.