Thursday, October 31, 2013
Dressed as a banana in celebration of Halloween, Ms. P of the Burlington Science center came to visit the kindergarteners of Pine Glen today. She brought the center's owl, Cricket.
She also brought other taxidermically preserved owls so we could see various kinds including a Great Horned Owl, Massachusetts largest owl. She shared that recently she helped rescue a Great Horned Owl at Fox Hill. It had become caught up in the soccer nets and then rehabilitated at the science center.
Silent wings
During the owl presentation today Ms. P demonstrated that despite an owl flapping its wings very quickly it did not make a sound! This is one way an owl can protect itself and grab its prey.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Room 101's Clay Pumpkin Patch
We created a clay Pumpkin patch! Mrs. Parnell challenged us to make our pumpkins no larger than 1 inch in we had to measure......we did great!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Go Sox!!!!
Mr. Lyons has declared Wednesday October 30 to be Red Sox day at Pine Glen. If you would like, please wear Red Sox colored clothing or Red Sox apparel to school. AND, hopefully not necessary, we will celebrate Red Sox spirit again on Thursday if need be.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Snake's Lunch
Here is Twitch eating his mouse with video taken from a different angle. He was very popular so the paparazzi were present!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Twitch the Snake Eats Once a Week!
There was a combination of amazement and horror as we watched Twitch eat his mouse today! We thought it was really interesting that he could open his mouth so wide.....many of us thought he looked like he was smiling (he must be happy to eat!). Others commented on how long it took and how patient he was to slowly swallow it whole! Students asked us to post it on the blog so they could share it with you at home.
Hairy-ette eating lunch!
Students in Room 101 were eager to get up close to make sure they did not miss a thing as Hairy-ette enjoyed her crickets for lunch!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
A Favorite
Today Mrs. Delia share Dr. Seuss' ABC. Mrs. Hoyt remembered this one from when she was a little girl. Maybe other grown-ups to do!
Big A, little a
What begins with A?
Aunt Annie's Alligator ..... A A A
Animals and Their Families
Room 101 worked with Mr. Callahan to create this video. Watch and listen as we tell you about some of the animals and animal families we learned about. We will share which animal family the animal we selected to draw is in!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Stand as One
Pine Glen celebrated Stand as united school that stands together, takes care of one another. We work to make sure everyone at Pine Glen is positive, shares, and are good friends!
And we were dressed as united Red Sox fans!
Here is a little further information - October is National Bullying Prevention Month. This Friday will be 'Stand As One' day! The goal will be for children and staff to feel a sense of unity and togetherness, as ONE. We are encouraging the children and staff to wear RED (since it will be Red Sox day) on Friday, October 11th. We will be reading a special story and the children will be writing a positive comment about how they belong at Pine Glen and/or contribute to making their classroom/school a positive place for learning. Some examples include: ways they feel safe at school, ways they working together, ways they show caring for others, and ways they work together to solve problems. Let's continue to 'Stand As One!'
And we were dressed as united Red Sox fans!
Here is a little further information - October is National Bullying Prevention Month. This Friday will be 'Stand As One' day! The goal will be for children and staff to feel a sense of unity and togetherness, as ONE. We are encouraging the children and staff to wear RED (since it will be Red Sox day) on Friday, October 11th. We will be reading a special story and the children will be writing a positive comment about how they belong at Pine Glen and/or contribute to making their classroom/school a positive place for learning. Some examples include: ways they feel safe at school, ways they working together, ways they show caring for others, and ways they work together to solve problems. Let's continue to 'Stand As One!'
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Parent volunteers!
Labeling our Classroom Pets
Keyboard Zoo
Cross-section Diagrams
When looking at a cross-section diagram the reader learns about what is on the inside of something. We created cross-section diagrams of apples! Next week we will be creating diagrams of the inside of the human body! Kindergarten sure is cool!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Supplies needed!
Help! - Room 101 is in need of various supplies.
- Brown, handled paper bags are used for many project. Over the next several months each student will need at least 3. And then in the spring we may need more. If you have bags from a store like Trader Joe's please think of us. Students need them to bring projects home next week.
-Assorted sized zip-lock bags are often used in our classroom as we prepare and distribute supplies, send home projects, etc - sandwich, gallon and quart sizes are all most appreciated.
- We can always use more Wet Ones hand wipes as we use them at lunch and for sticky fingers in the classroom.
Thank you!
Monday, October 7, 2013
You might be surprised to hear that we sometimes work in our "Offices". Here is a glimpse of us working in our offices. We turn our benches into work stations!
Over the last few weeks we have explored apples. We discussed the four seasons and how an apple grows. We also discussed how tasty the different varieties of apples are and what a decomposing apple might look like! We estimated how many seeds are found in apples and then counted the seeds in a few! We wrote about apples and even helped Mrs. Parnell write a persuasive letter to the cafeteria staff encouraging them to make sure apples are on the menu often!
Over the last few weeks we have explored apples. We discussed the four seasons and how an apple grows. We also discussed how tasty the different varieties of apples are and what a decomposing apple might look like! We estimated how many seeds are found in apples and then counted the seeds in a few! We wrote about apples and even helped Mrs. Parnell write a persuasive letter to the cafeteria staff encouraging them to make sure apples are on the menu often!
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