Monday, April 15, 2019

Friendly Feedback Wanted!

We are always looking for ways to grow, for ways to be better.  
Parent voices and perspectives are greatly valued and appreciated.  
An online survey has been sent to room 101 parent email addresses
and is posted below.  Please help us by sharing your thoughts and
comments on this anonymous online survey.
Thank you!
-Mrs. Parnell

Saturday, April 13, 2019

An Eggcellent Learning Adventure

Some eggcellent and eggstra-special learning took place this week.  There is a lot to chat about with your children! This week we also cracked eggs and wrote the cvc word contained inside them! In addition we used eggs to create other cvc words. It has been an eggceptional week of learning!

We also spent some time exploring colors and mixing as we used different mediums to paint eggs!  What fun!

We ventured outside to test our sight words knowledge on Friday! All participated in a sight word egg hunt!  Eggs, containing the 60 words we have learned thus far were hidden in the field outside our classroom!  We went hunting with a list and when we found a word, we read it and checked it off! Ask your child to read the list of words to you.  They proudly took their lists home to share.


Classroom Highlights!

We had another busy week in Room 101. We learned continues our mini-art unit building on our color mixing and line study. This week we learned about Claude Monet and Vincent VanGogh and emulated their painting styles. We read a few books about their artwork and we watched a short video Linnea in Monet's Garden. We also sketched and water colored self-portraits. 

Another exciting addition to our classroom is our new high school intern, Miss Nash. She began her 5 week hands on learning opportunity with us.  All are excited to have Miss Nash with us!  Miss Nash will be a freshman at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth in the fall and she may study education. Hopefully she will have a great learning experience with us! Miss Parnell (aka Lindsay, Mrs. Parnell's daughter) is also doing an internship at Pine Glen. She is working with Mrs. Visocchi's and her 4th graders. This means we will be seeing Miss Parnell on Monday mornings when we continue our animal study with our 4th grade partners. Miss Parnell spent Tuesday morning with us while the 4th graders took their MCAS test. The students enjoyed having her in Room 101 again.