Friday, January 31, 2025

4th Grade Partners- Groundhog Day & 100th Day Prep


 This week we worked with our 4th grade partners to complete a couple Groundhog day activities. Coloring, reading and finding the rhymes in the groundhog poem, making a groundhog headband students also read groundhog books and did a groundhog guided draw. We also had the 4th graders help the kindergartners with preparations for our 100th day. 100 stamp mats and 100 bead necklaces were created so we will be ready to celebrate our 100th day coming up on Monday, February 24th! The 4th graders are a huge help with these big tasks, and the kindergartners love working with their partners. Mrs. Visocchi also recorder our book interviews with our 4th grade partners. Video coming soon!

Hoots, Certificates and Congratulations!

 This week we had our set 5 sight word test and many students got 100%. Great work!!! We had many students earn their next percentage mark in ST Math. We also had 1 at home reader and 2 at home writers this week. We had 1 student earn a Lexia Super star certificate.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

We Have Read a Good Book!


Not only do we enjoy a good book, we also want to share it with you!  We read books all of January! We have read so many great books. We decided we should write about our favorite ones. Our 4th grade partners helped us with our persuasive thoughts and writing. The partners created posters to convince you to read our books. We completed our interview scripts and recorded our videos. Mrs. Visocchi created a movie of all our mini commercials to promote our books! The book sell video will be posted soon!

The Mitten- Hedgehog Show


On Wednesday, January 29th, Ms. Pavlicek from the Burlington Science Center came to show us the Hedgehog Show. We were supposed to have this show the first week of January when we did our The Mitten book study but, Starla the hedgehog has been sick. She was feeling better this week, so we had the show this week. We learned that all the animals mole, rabbit, owl, badger, fox, bear and mouse are all animals that can be found in North America. The only animal in the story not found in North America is the hedgehog. The students enjoyed learning more about the hedgehog and then actually see Starla the Science Center's new hedgehog run around in her little playpen and then all students were given the opportunity to touch the hedgehog. During the test at the end of the show, Ms. P. asked the students to demonstrate how the hedgehog stays safe. The students moved away from the threat, rolled into a ball and made a squeaking noise. The students acted just like a hedgehog! It was a great show!