Next we solved the mystery of what was in the final mystery stocking! A special thank you to our room parents for the great goodie bags! All were thrilled!
Discovering the contents of our Parties in a Bag was so fun!
Then we headed to the gym for a special activity with Mrs. Hoyt. We used balls, scooter boards, jump ropes, hula-hoops and more!
Before lunch we played Bingo with Mrs. Parnell ............... a very special version in which we had to identify the beginning, middle and ending sounds of words. It was so fun!
After enjoying the movie we played a math challenge with the 100 chart. Try this out................I am a number more than 86 and less then 88. What number am I?!
Mrs. Parnell and Mrs. Hoyt wish everyone restful and joyous holiday celebrations and a very happy New Year! We wanted to thank everyone for the generous holiday gifts! Be sure to spend some vacation time writing in your new journal, reading books and practicing your flashcards. 12 days is a long time for our brains to have a rest!
Bingo! |