Friday, September 14, 2018

ST Math & EnVision Math

Burlington Public Schools Math Coach, Mrs. Carrie Fortunato came to Room 101 Tuesday afternoon. She introduced us to a new math program called ST Math. We will be using this program after we complete our EnVision math lesson in. In the future information will be sent home for you to help your child access ST Math at home. 

Mrs. Fortunato introduced us to JiJi the penguin and character in the program. She had a small JiJi that she shared. She also had us watch a short video about how students help JiJi get past obstacles in the way. The student use mathematical problem solving to help JiJi. Mrs. Fortunato helped us log into ST Math for the first time. Each student is assigned an eight character password! To assist the students in remembering their password the program has them solve lots of different puzzles to help them remember these individualized picture icon passwords. It was really interesting to watch the students go through initializing their passwords. The students were wonderful listeners and the appeared to enjoy learning about the program. 

Mrs. Fortunato rewarded us with three scoops of popcorn and a Hoot card since the students did such a wonderful job!  All students successfully remembered their passwords Tuesday- Friday this week.  We are crossing our fingers that all the students remember these individualized passwords when we have two days off for the weekend.

We also started our EnVision Math program this week. We will be starting with Topic 12- Identifying and Describing shapes. We have explored many math manipulatives shapes and we did the story opener for Topic 12 this week. A letter to parents and vocabulary for the topic will be sent home on Monday. We are off to a great start!

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