Today we had our culminating end to our Sea Life unit and we went on a field trip to the New England Aquarium. We had a wonderful time touring the aquarium and seeing all the sea creatures. We were able to see many animals and our day flew by. Tomorrow we will find out what the students liked the best at the aquarium. Thank you to Mrs. Ronca, Mrs. Capparelli, Mrs. Peckham, Mrs. Conrad, Mrs. Colon, Mrs. Brady, Mrs. Interess, Mrs Anderson, and Mrs. Ortega for chaperoning our trip today. We appreciate you taking the day to join us today. *If chaperones have more pictures to share please send them to my email and I will add them to this post. I will share the post with the students in the morning!*
On Monday afternoon we went to the Art Room for an art class with Ms. Fallon. Ms. Fallon is working with the PTO on the Square One Artware fundraiser. The kindergarten students were taught how to create a flower with Ms. Fallon. The students were very engaged throughout this process and their flower drawings came out wonderful. Once the pictures are processed the Square One order forms will be send home for parents to purchase. Some of these items may make great gifts! Thank you Ms. Fallon for having us down. The students are hoping to come down again soon!
It was a short week in Room 101 due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Monday, But we were busy as usual in Room 101. On Tuesday, we started writing our Informational text on How to Build a Snowperson, we started a new book on Greeting Cards, worked on our heart book, created our mailboxes and opened the Room 101 Post Office. Mr. Donoff was in to do more coding with Osmo and we read our Sea Life books preparing us for our Aquarium trip. The rest of the week we continued with our blanket, quilt and afghan sharing. We took the math Topic 6 test, the Symphony winter benchmarker and the addition flash card test. On Thursday, Mr. Musselman came to PG and did the Superfish show to prepare us for what we will see at the Aquarium next week. Then on Friday we had our parents as readers in to start the day! Thank you to Mrs. Peckham, Mrs. Ronca, Mr. Brady, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Anderson, Ms. Montemarano, and Mrs. Interess for reading with us. We so appreciate our parents and their willingness to spend time with us. It was a very productive, engaging week! Also- the souper bowl is going well. The Spanish Club at the high school helped us collect soup and they dropped off the HS donations on Friday. Remember we are still collecting soup until February 1st. Please send in soup to help the Burlington Food Pantry. Thank you!