Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Blanket Reading!

Last week, as a culminating event for our Blanket, Quilt and Afghan unit the students brought back to school their special items. Our 4th grade buddies came down to our classroom and sat on/or under the kindergartners special items and then the kindergartners shared their instructional writing on how to get dressed in the winter and their directions to how to make a snow person. We hope that we will get more snow and then the 4th graders will help the kindergartners build their own snow people based on the instructional directions! After the kindergartners read their two books to their partner the 4th graders then read the book Snowmen at Night. This book will be sent home with the kindergartners next week as their Valentine gift from Mrs. Parnell & Mrs. Kearney.  To end out time together with our 4th grade partners we went over the results of our snow person glyphs project from last week. It was also crazy hair and hat day! This was a whole school reward for earning so many Hoot cards.

The students have enjoyed spending time with our visiting pet- Olive the rabbit.

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