Week 2 was another successful week. We accomplished so much! We started working on Lexia Learning. This program is a systematic and structured approach to six areas of reading, phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, structural analysis, automaticity/fluency and comprehension. We also worked more on ST Math, ST Math is a PreK-8 visual instructional program that leverages the brain's innate spatial-temporal reasoning ability to solve mathematical problems. ST Math’s unique, patented approach provides students with equitable access to learning through challenging puzzles, non-routine problem solving, and informative feedback. The goal is for kindergartners to work on these two programs for 60 minutes each, each week. We will be awarding Hoot Cards to students who attain 60 minutes. We had our first few Hoot Card winners on Wednesday and many more Thursday and Friday. Way to go Room 101!

We have been eating lunch and snack outside. We will continue to eat outside as much as possible, so please make sure your child is dressed for the weather.
We have been working on numbers 0-5. We are learning how to write these numbers the Kindergarten way. We are practicing our one to one correspondence and working have on persevering when we find something difficult in school. We are working on our Counting Book.
In Art this week we worked on our Nursery Rhyme Book pages, our Color Books, the covers to our Writing Folders and we made calendar pieces for October.

We always have independent seat work for our bucket jobs. We worked on the Numeral Song book, practiced writing our numbers, practiced out names, and worked on our iPads.

We read a Let's Find Out on how to be a friend.
We also started writing! We have learning partners who we brainstorm and talk with before we go to write and then we share our work with each other when our writing is done. We are learning to take turns, share the conversation and give positive feedback and compliments.
We completed our Color Book and practiced reading it in our Reading group. We used our pointer fingers to point to the words as we read.
We worked on our second edition of the Room 101 Kindergarten News. We are starting to recognize some of our sight words. Yea!
Mrs. Ardizzoni came back to our class to teach us how to get onto a Google Meet. This will be important to know if we ever need to learn remotely. This was a bit challenging, but the students were able to type in their email addresses, passwords and Google Meet code to access the meet. After students got in, Mrs. Parnell left the classroom and joined remotely so the students would see how it would be to learn through the screen. They thought it was HARD.