Friday, March 10, 2023

Science Experiments with Mr. Musselman- Popcorn Jar Reward!

On Wednesday, Mr. Musselman form the Burlington Science Center came to our class and shared some science experiments with us. We had 4 stations of science exploration! "Whats in your backyard" magnifier observation and sketching, Float /  sink materials investigation, Electricity owl and generators - lights/motor fan and exploring magnetic pulls.

Mrs. Parnell helped us with an electricity station. We created closed circuits and light up a holiday bulb, tested materials against the electrical owl to see which items conducted electricity (metal items), and which items were insulators and the conductors lit up the owls eyes and the insulators did not.

Gentry  lead the sink and float station. This station was a favorite, but a bit wet with all the water! Students explored with many different materials and predicted and tested what items would sink and which would float.

Kearney our parent volunteer helped with the "What's in your backyard" station. There were all kinds of materials that could be found in our backyard. turtle shell, tree stump, deer antler, scat, fossils. Students used
 magnifying glass to be scientists and see these items close up. 

Mr. Musselman lead the magnetic pull station and helped the students explore and revisit pushes and pulls. 

It was a busy, fun and engaging morning! Thank you Mr. Musselman for spending the morning with us and Mrs. Gentry for helping us this morning.

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