Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day


Today we had a festive Valentine's Day. We started our day with morning work and our Learning apps. Then we had a quick morning meeting and took lots of Valentine pictures. Our next stop was to visit our 4th grade partners in their classroom and make two Valentine crafts and play Valentine Bingo. Then we had our Secret Valentine exchange and we opened our class valentines. Then we had our Victorian Luncheon and recess. Next we wrote about or favorite part of the morning festivities. Next we went to gym. Finally we watched a short Valentine video while we ate our snack. Lots of valentine goodies were sent home today.  We hope you have time to look through everything. Thank you to Laura, Sophia, Lorenzo, Fatima and Rian for the Teacher Valentine gifts. It was so thoughtful of all of you to think of us on Valentine's day! Thank you to Mrs. Busa who helped us in the classroom this morning.

          💜💞 Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  💞 💜

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