We had yet another busy week in Room 101! Here are a few things we did early in the week. We wrote in our journals about what we will be for Halloween.
We worked on letter sound correspondencewith Mrs. Murphy.
On Monday, Mrs. Thomas came in to help us. Thank you to Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. McNamee, Mrs. Baker, Ms. Antenucci and Ms. Powers for volunteering in the classroom this week! We appreciate all your support!
We went to the library and Miss Small read us a story called Twenty Yawns by Jane Smiley, illustrated by Lauren Castillo. We have been listening to may books either written or illustrated by Lauren Castillo during Global Read Aloud Choices 2016 #GRA16
The block area was busy again this week.
Using the unifix cubes on the rug was also busy area.
Spending time in the Reading Nook. It is a comfy place to read with friends.
Working on a math lesson with Mrs. Kearney.
We read the Let's Find Out magazine and created our own jack-o-lanterns on the scholastic magazine app.
We worked on our letters and letter sounds with Mrs. Murphy.
We read the Let's Find Out magazine with Mrs. Parnell. We also looked for our news words in the magazine. The students are becoming more aware of how important it is to be able to read. The students have been very excited about recognizing these flashcard words in the books, poems and our Kindergarten News.
We spent time this week sorting the beanie babies into different animal families based on family characteristics.
At the fine motor station the students practiced forming the letters we have learned.
We went to the Learning Commons. Mr. Donoff helped us create our own wild animal self using the website http://www.buildyourwildself.com/. This was our first time using the Chromebooks and the trackpad was a little difficult for some. After some practice the students understood how the trackpad worked and they were able to create their own creation. They were sent home on Wednesday.
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