Today Ms. Horton, one of our RTI tutors, reads us the story
Swimmy by Leo Lionni. Deep in the sea lives a happy school of fish.
Their watery world is full of wonders, but there is also danger and the
little fish are afraid to come out of hiding… until Swimmy comes along.
After listening to the story, Here are some questions to discuss:
1. How did Swimmy feel when he escaped from the tuna and
swam alone in the deep sea?
2. What helped Swimmy feel happy again?
3. Why didn't the new school of fish want to swim and play and see things?
4. Did Swimmy think the fish were right to lie still so they wouldn't get eaten?
5. Why do you think Swimmy thought what he thought?
6. What did Swimmy do to help the fish solve their problem?
7. Why do you think Swimmy offered to be the eye of the fish?
After listening to the story color and label the animal characters
Try this counting and graphing worksheet. See which group of
fish has the most. Which has the least?
Color Swimmy and his friends
Move with the Laurie Berkner Band and Let’s Go Swimming
Be sure to think some good thoughts!
Today’s Chant:
Kind hearts
Kind words
Kind voices
Today is a good day to have a good day