Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kindergartners have a great start!

We are on a roll!  Day two was Dynamite!

Students are learning the routines very quickly. Everyone found their spot easily this morning, unpacked and settled in like experts.

Each day we have a Meeting in which the children greet each other with a friendly handshake. Everyone seemed very comfortable and joined right in.

We have begun our Fundations literacy program by introducing the names of the guidelines we will be using when we learn to form letters. Be sure to ask about the skyline, the plane line, the grass line and the worm line.  .  Mrs. Parnell and Mrs. Hoyt were impressed with the boys and girls as they passed our "quiz" about the Fundations lines.

Ask your children about Echo the Fundation's owl as he visited during circle time.  And perhaps your child will teach you a new song about building a house or "Tooty-Ta".

The children started a book about colors, a nursery rhyme book and a book about themselves. We also made our kissing hands and visors that went home yesterday. Students had some time to explore some of our math manipulatives. Each student will be invited to share his/her creations with the class, describing what they make and the materials they used to create them.  It is wonderful to see students confidently taking "center stage" and presenting to their peers!

One of the highlights of the day includes our trip to the playground for recess!  It was great to see classmates playing together, taking turns and giving each other a push on the swings!

Today we introduce the calendar routine and some fun classroom songs! We will be sharing about our likes and dislikes, our families and aspirations.

Thank you to everyone for sharing your beautiful children!  We are looking forward to a wonderful year!

Yellow Day is tomorrow.  We will learn about Jack and Jill Nimble, share about our likes and dislikes for our "Getting to Know..." books, and will work on our classroom rules.  Be sure to get plenty of rest.  This first week of school makes everyone very tired.

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