Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Read, Read, Read!

That is it!

This week in reading groups Mrs. Hoyt has been asking the students if they have been reading the books sent home with them each night.

Sadly, quite a few reported that they have not.

The best thing we can do to encourage and help our kindergarten students is read, read, read!  Read to them and have them read to you.  Mrs. Hoyt has asked the students to find three different audiences to read the book they bring home to.   In addition to mom, dad or siblings, they have been encouraged to read to the family dog or a stuffed animal.  Stuck on a word or sentence?  Ask then what they can do to figure it out, what ideas they have.

As an incentive the kids were told their names would be added to the star jar if they read the books more than three times! 

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