Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Keeping Warm!

In the coming weeks we will be having lots of fun with afghans, quilts and blankets!  Each student will be assigned a day to bring one in.  It will be their job to keep their treasure a secret in the black bag they are issued.  We do not want anyone to see what it is until the special time!

We will try to answer the question as to whether students special treasure is an afghan, quilt or blanket as we play the game 20 questions to learn about it.  Then we have few minutes of sharing before we dive into the job measuring our treasures.

Comparisons will be made between them.  Which is the longest, shortest, etc.  We  practice measuring length, width and area using non-standard tools for measurement.  Our favorite job is measuring the area because we measure how many kindergartners fit in the area of our blanket!

Then, at a later date,  we will create new, paper quilts for each other.  In addition to looking colorful and showing that we can follow the pattern and directions, we are learning new things about each other.

As you will see, the quilt projects will be a highlight during the winter months!

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