Friday, September 13, 2024

We are 3 Little Pig Experts


We made the Little Pig’s houses and character stick puppets. We challenged students to have a puppet show and retell the 3 Little Pigs story to their families. Students love doing this! 

In past years, families video recorded their child’s efforts and emailed the videos to me at  We shared the videos in class and posted them on the blog for all to see.  We’d love to see how your children retell the story of the 3 Little Pigs and are hoping to have all our students participate in this activity again this year!  If you decide to participate and share, please send your videos by Friday, September 20th.

We can’t wait to see the videos!


The books we read.

The houses and stick puppets we made.

We had a couple of our students already send in videos for the  3 Little Pigs Retell challenge. We were impressed with their variations of the story and how much they remembered from the books, songs and video. Great work Room 101 Students!


Lorenzo part 2


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