Sunday, November 24, 2019

Highlights from this week November 18-22nd

We practiced a lot of fine motor skills this week with painting the giant tree, adding painted snowflakes, painting sticks and clothes pins that we will be turning into winter crafts. We learned a new app on the iPads called Dexteria that helps with other fine motor tasks, tapping on cue, pinching the crabs and letter writing. 

We also continue our work with learning about lowercase letters, how to make them, what sounds they make and then using these skills to practice our Letterboards and journal writing. We worked on our Friendsgiving crafts for our K buddy, we practiced reading our new vegetable book so we are prepared to read with the Italian IV students from the high school. 

We also completed our Thanks A Lot books and we read a fun turkey book all about positional words. Turkey cut outs will be sent home with these books so your child can practice moving the turkey around. These items will be sent home in the big Thanksgiving bags that will go home on Monday.  

We worked on practicing our second set of sight words. Our quiz is tomorrow! We worked on comparing numbers from 5-10. We put numerals in order with there values, then we ordered numbers that were out of sequence. We will be having our Topic 3 quiz on Tuesday. 

Friday was very busy. We started our day with our Parent Readers. Thank you to Mr. Finkel, Mrs. Wilcox, Ms. Barrows and substitute teacher Ms. Cook. Thank you for reading with us. After the parents left our 4th grade partners came down. We played our new board games, colored and labeled turkeys, made our Party in the Bag bags and we read Thanksgiving books. 

We then went on to Workboards- making snowflakes for the bulletin board, calendar markers and the flames to our giant candles. Mr. Donoff came in and did a lesson with the OSMO iPad app using Tangrams. The students found the shape puzzles challenging and Mr. Donoff will be in again to use these again with us. After lunch and recess Mrs. Woodbury taught us the sign language for the Thanks A Lot song, then the kindergartners had an extra recess today from earning enough Hoot cards. At the end of the day Ms. Kendall came in and did a lesson with us on being Thankful and showing gratitude.


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