Thursday, April 2, 2015

This week we introduced our students to a new type of writing project Mrs. Parnell learned about in a recent class.  As we reviewed animal families and characteristics we did a write around!  It was actually quite fun.

Each student was given an animal to illustrate on the iPad using the Drawing Pad app.  Then they wrote an introductory statement about that specific animal or the animal family it is in.  Finally students changed seats and added information about each other's animal.  Five students contributed to the writing about each animal.

This challenge required them to read each others writing, process the previous ideas and add new thoughts relevant to the topic at hand.  Many steps were involved in this activity.

As a final step, each student presented their animal to the class and read the information that had been  written by the group.  This is an important step as in addition to giving their work purpose it helps us all build confidence in public speaking and sharing our work!

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