Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Students in room 101 accepted our Snow Day Challenge and spent yesterday being very productive! 

Burlington got 24.2 inches of snow yesterday and we are home again with ANOTHER SNOW DAY! We hope students will continue to meet the challenge. Here are some more ideas to help keep students engaged in learning while home for the 4th snow day in two weeks.  If your child participates in learning today please email me pictures. I will plan to post another blog post on how our students spent their snow day continuing to LEARN! Please send pictures by 2:00 pm. Thanks!

Additional Ideas:
  • Work on a puzzle!
  • Ask for mom and dad's help and make a movie! - tell a story!
  • Read a book - keep track on the 5 star general form!
  • Write a book - or a story or a journal about the day!
  • Try a science experiment! - Try to make an egg float. Guess how long it will take a cup of snow to melt in the house. Explore sink vs float in the bathtub or try to figure out how magnets work!
  • Bake something together! - There is lots of math in reading recipes and measuring!
  • Count those coins and prepare them for deposit - Kindergartners are excellent counters!
  • Help sort and fold the laundry.
  • Log in to one of your accounts and read on Raz Kids, help JiJi in his travels by working on ST Math, or log onto Symphony Math.
  • Use your procedural text and build a snowman!
  • Write a persuasive note or poster to convince Mother Nature it is time for Spring!
  • Draw a picture of the life-cycle of a living thing.

Mrs. Parnell and Mrs. Kearney are looking forward to seeing our friends back at school soon!

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