Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 2- Read Aloud- Say Something ** Wear Blue Today**

Remember today is World Autism Awareness Day. Wear blue to
support this cause and email Mrs. Parnell a picture of you wearing
blue so she can share it with everyone!

Pine Glen RtI tutor, Ms. Cacciola shares Peter Reynold’s book,
Say SomethingReynolds explores the many ways that a single
voice can make a difference. Each of us, each and every day,
have the chance to say something: with our actions, our words,
and our voices.

In this book, readers are encouraged to be an upstander. An
upstander” is someone who recognizes when something is
wrong and acts to make it right. - Draw a web like the one
below and write the word upstander in the middle of the grid
and then add the titles of people who acted like upstanders in
the book in the outside circles. You may need to listen to the
story again to be able to fill out this web. There are more
upstanders in the book than on the graphic organizer below.
You can pick the ones you like or add more circles!

Listen to this motivational video. You Are Courage.

Pull out your dice and color the numbers as your roll the
dice on this math paper.

Listen to these great songs about Kindness

Be sure to think some good thoughts!

Today’s Chant:

Good, better, best.
Never let it rest.
Until your good is better,

And your better is your best!

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